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Spirit of Catholic Education Award 2025

On Wednesday 22nd of January St Dominic’s were delighted to be presented with the Spirit of Catholic Education Award 2025 at St Mary’s University College.  The Citation delivered at the award ceremony, by Dr Aidan Donaldson of the Down and Connor Catholic Schools’ Support Service stated: -


‘I am delighted to welcome the representatives of St Dominic’s Grammar School, a Dominican school located in the heart of West Belfast.  St Dominic’s seeks to encourage its students and whole school community to live out its mission statement as ‘a community dedicated to the enhancement of human dignity guided and inspired by Gospel values.’ 


The adjudication panel was most impressed by the diverse range of advocacy, volunteering and development programmes which seek to promote the equality and dignity of all human beings – and all consciously underpinned and guided by Catholic Social Teaching, in particular: ‘The Preferential option for the poor, Solidarity, the Common Good and care for God’s creation.’


The panel was also struck by the vocational nature of the service which you engage in (quoting Matthew 25), and supported by evidence that: ‘St Dominic’s is there to welcome the stranger, feed the hungry and look after the sick.’


Members of the adjudication panel have also been most favourably impressed by the way in which the school has embraced the ’Cephas’ faith-formation programme and encourages St Dominic’s to continue with this most important initiative for your senior students as they prepare to move onto the next part of their life journey.


Your work is indeed a real living out of your Dominican motto:

’Laudare, Benedicere, Praedicare - To Praise, to Bless and to Preach.’

Congratulations, you are indeed most worthy winners and witnesses for Christ.’

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